It's Dilemma Time, Bitches!

Dec 14, 2008 12:56

Aren't I rude? Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Anyway, I have a dilemma, bbz! I've been on ONTD too long and now it's messing with my vocabulariez, fo' sho'. So, my dilemma is I have to get my grandmother who has everything a present for Christmas. My grandmother is rich and has been to Japan, so getting her a Japanese Christmas present is like impossible. But still I have to get her something. My mother suggested stationary, but hey, that sounds like a pretty cheap ass gift, you know? The cheaper for her, the more crap I get to buy me, but I don't have that much room in my suitcases so that's not smart, either. Please give me ideas people! I really am desperate and I am only here for another week! Oh, and if you have suggestions for a going away present for my host family, I'd like to hear those, too.

In the past four days, my host family has lost twenty baby guppies. One seriously was alive one minute and dead the next. I think they are suffering from a fish fungal disease or something, and only one is left, but he looks near death. Of course, I get to play fishy undertaker. Maybe this will teach my host family to stop buying new fish every week!

And as is tradition, we have a video of the post! It won't embed, so click HERE to watch and enjoy! Billy Mack is my idol and I am totally watching this movie when I get home, or today. I'm watching Sleepers right now (I'm still doing the Billy Crudup movie marathon - I've seen Almost Famous, Dedication, Stage Beauty, Trust the Man, Big Fish, The Good Shepherd, Mission: Impossible III, and part of Without Limits but that movie was sucking when I stopped. And I need to watch Charlotte Gray). I still have to watching Breakfast on Pluto and Casino Royale and some other stuff. If anyone has any suggestions, I have three weeks alone at home so give me ideas. I am going to go see a movie with my mom on Christmas Day and I want to go see Transporter III but she said no. Darn it.

Three days till we celebrate! All night karaoke bender! Well, three hour karaoke bender, but close enough! Damn, I still need to get some addresses...

fish, host family, japan, presents, christmas

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