The Tattoos of Philosophers

Jan 27, 2009 18:23

So I am taking a philosophy class for my liberal studies requirement and it is half philosophy majors/half people forced into taking the class. You can tell because us people forced into taking the class keep our mouths shut while the philosophy majors blabble on for hours on end about nonsense. But anyway, today's topic is the tattoos of philosophers, and the fact my teacher wears the same sport coat to class every day. It's green and it is corduroy and it is hideous.

Anyway, case #1 - ankh girl. She has a black ankh on the back of her neck and since she sits in front of me I can clearly see it. So what is wrong with a black ankh? Well, for one, it isn't straight - the lines are crooked and wavy and the entire tattoo is listing slightly to the left. Secondly, the tattoo has bled so horribly that it is atrocious. It looks like the tattoo my brother got for $20 on a whim of his initials.

Case # 2 - koi boy. Well, he got his tattoo finished since last week so his description of it caused this entire post. Why, you might ask? His tattoo is of a koi turning into a dragon. Like Magikarp evolving into Gyarados. Well, I didn't see it, but seriously, did he consider the Pokemon implications?

In an effort to understand philosophy, I checked out a book from the library on the Philosophy of Battlestar Galactica. It is spoiler-ific, but I need to understand philosophy and fast because I have my first paper due next week and pragmatism makes no sense to me.

books, battlestar galactica, school

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