Jan 24, 2009 00:54

Okay, so like, I just finally saw the Battlestar Galactica miniseries and I am hooked, except I don't want to go around spending $32 on the First Season until I can be sure my dad won't get it for me for my birthday which is in two and a half weeks or something like that...maybe three? I dunno. I might cave in and just watch it online if I have to, but yeah, it was frakkin awesome. It makes me miss my beloved Farscape, though :(

Oh, and Bethany and I just randomly started becoming Gaeta fans. I have to say, I randomly think Gaeta is the coolest but reminds me of Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest. Anyway, I must go out in search of the perfect Battlestar Galactica icon for my collection tomorrow...or today, seeing as how it is almost 1 AM.

Also, I am through the first 14 episodes of 30 Rock since Wednesday. I will finish season one by the end of the weekend I bet. I've fallen in love with that, too. It's just going to take me FOREVER to watch BSG now. Especially since I now have to wait to get my hands on Season 1 and then Season 2 and so on and so forth. I wonder if the library has it... Or Movie Gallery... I think Bethany and I will have to go and investigate.

And I just reserved a book on the philosophy of BSG from the App State library. Maybe that will be more interesting than pragmatism...

Editing to say that I totally began to think that John McCain was playing Colonel Tigh. The resemblance is uncanny. Oh, and Bethany asked if it was still airing, and I said yeah, it should be on right now, so I switched it from DVD to Sci Fi right as someone was asking about Colonel Tigh being a Cylon. Oops.

books, battlestar galactica, television

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