Sucky NY's Resulotion

Feb 15, 2011 11:08

Yap this year has been going down hill 4 me since the first of jan.,
i regret doing 2 things that i have done in jan., but im not going 2 talk about it on here.
the third part, first saturday night in feb., i was minding my own bussiness while sitting down inside of mcdonalds. out of the blue a young mexican guy from teens in2 early 20's, came up2 me and ask me 4 a dollar, i told him no 2 different times, he came back again afew minutes later and snatched my ipod touch right infront of me and took off 4 the door, i chased after him after as soon he took my ipod touch. no if my left leg didnt give way i would of been on top of him and demanding my ipod touch back, but it gave way. my left leg nevered healed properly from the accident in aug of 09. anyways i chased him down the street and he ran across the street on a red light, i stopped. i turned around and head back at mcdonalds and i told the manager and employee what just happened. i asked 2 write a incident report, they said ok let us check with our supervisor, they came back afew minutes later telling me that they have the guy on cam ordering but some of the other cams at the time were not working. then they said they cant do anything 4 me. soo i know it was late i decided 2 crash first and go and report it in the morning at the police station, and so i did. but they havent caught the guy yet or anything and im waiting 2 c what ill fate happens next 4 me.
yap im having a bad ass year. i dont think its going 2 get any better.
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