Too much internet on an empty head

Jan 29, 2012 01:01

So earlier on today I was telling one of my non-chess-playing friends the proper names of the chess pieces. When I told her about the Rook, she asked "How do you spell that?". I replied "R-zero-oh shit!" and realised that I'd just, in full seriousness, started spelling something out loud in 1337-speak. Need more caffeine. Or more sleep. And less internet. (But not much less! Need to be careful what I wish for!).

EDIT: Oh, and my January grade came out today. It's shite, but at least it's gone up by 1 point instead of going down (thanks to the 6 games from the London Christmas Congress which pulled it up by a full 6 points. Forgot to post about it since it got eclipsed by the amusing misadventure which occurred just after it).
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