I can haz noms!

Dec 24, 2011 02:56

Because I have now shifted all my food from the work fridge back into my flat fridge and switched the latter on after a few weeks of having it off. There was no point in having it on as over the past few months I gradually approached the point where I was having all my meals at work (and have fully been at that point throughout the 12-day week I've just had).

But 10-day holiday now. Yay! Sleep! Fridgable noms in flat!

In other news, there has been more atrocious blundering, and this time it was not restricted to the chess board (though plenty there too - for the first time I suspect that my grade will go down instead of up). As usual, laughing it off and learning my lessons is the policy.

In more positive news, I'm no longer germophobic. I was just sitting there thinking about how I've been changing for the better and asked myself what else was not that great about the former me. And when it became evident, I just told myself to snap out of it, and I just did, just like that, after having the phobia for 14 years (though it's only been at this level of severity for about 4-5 years. Still.). Satsumas no longer get washed with fairy liquid before getting peeled - in fact, I don't wash them at all now; gloves are for keeping hands warm, not clean, so I won't be wearing them next summer; the floor is no longer this evil all-contaminating entity that must never come into contact with any table-residing items lest they would have to be eternally banished from the table; etc. Various people would get into bitter fights with me about it over the years and I would tell them I was afraid to change - fear of losing fear because then I'd be facing it - and then I literally snapped out of it in an instant just because I actually wanted to, just like that. Like flicking a mental switch. I'm binary, really. Kept it up for a few weeks now (lack of germophobia, that is, not binary-ism).

What other news can I think of... Still not enough time for anything, caffeine addiction still going strong (though holiday => cold turkey), haven't finished unpacking stuff around flat (probably never will)...

Oh, guitar is going better. A lot has come back quite quickly, and now I've got painful guitar fingers on my left hand since the thing is very addictive. And the great thing about it is that I can play it very quietly if necessary so I don't have to restrict myself to before 11pm. And on that note (no pun intended) I'll go feed this particular addiction or it will starve.
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