My Trip to NY

Aug 07, 2007 20:01

WOOHOO I'm back in Georgia, and not a day too soon. Let's see...landed in Rochester very late last Wednesday; Tony & Liz collected me from the airport and the 3 of us went out drinkng. MMMMMMMM Labatt's on tap...we stayed till almost 2 and then Tony & I had to take Liz home. Didn't feel too bad Thursday, so I ended up at my parents' house and the baby nephew is C-U-T-E cute. He says "Rae Rae" now. K maybe i coached him a little. Thursday night I spent drinking outside at the picnic table with Dad and talking about all our family drama. I feel for my parents but I still don't think I know everything that's going on and without knowing how am I to help? And then there's the other being compelled to help when it's really not my place and I haven't been asked. **SIGH**

Friday i started to feel like crap a little. Stuffy nose, big deal. Went visiting with Dad and then to Uncle Joe's for the night. Took Uncle Joe out drinking ( I WAS D.D.) and we had a little fun i think. Got to drive his truck across fields to get home, that was fun and very reminicent of the happier parts of my life there. Felt good to be bouncing a truck along a dirt path cut through corn fields again. Uncle and I had a few drinks at home and talked about some serious stuff and then called it a night. I forgot to mention I did see one of my psycho sisters while we were out and he and I made a game of escaping her. She started off the evening with a pinched nerve but within in an hour was absolutely fine somehow. She's frigging ridiculous. Then she was an asshole to our aunt on Saturday (which I found out later); so that was dissappointing. I always get a little twinge of guilt for leaving there when I visit and hear that my family does these things to each other. It's always the same offenders...always the same victims...and it makes me want to roll some heads. But I was a very good girl.

Saturday AM I didn't feel so hot...Uncle and I went out for breakfast, then he dropped me with an aunt to visit with our cousins from Cali. That was fun...but I kept feeling worse as the day went on and by the time I got to Dad's that afternoon I had a fever. So I layed sick in Dad's recliner and my stepmommy fed me soup and brought me juice with a straw. I forgot how nice it was when you felt shitty and someone took care of you. Sunday I gave up and found a Dr. and got some drugs. Then I went to Grandmas for the night, and took her out to lunch Monday, bought some YUMMY candy...and headed back to Dad's for one more night. We had sweet corn for dinner and it was just doesn't taste that good here...EVER.

And this morning I flew home, went to look at another apartment, and have been waiting for a reasonable hour to go to bed which has finally arrived. Back to work tomorrow!

I did not bother to spell check this entry, I am too damn live with my missuse of spelling and grammar :)
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