After the Fall

Sep 09, 2008 18:15

I'm always so torn at this time of the year.  I'm never ever ready for summer to be's the shortest season we get around here, after all, and I do so hate being cold.  Knowing I can step outside with nary a shiver is always delicious.

And yet, I do love fall.  Just enough of a nip in the air to be refreshing, the sweet smell of leaves rotting on the ground, the rich array of warm colors, hauling out clothing I haven't worn in months, digging out my boots from the bottom of the closet---I LOVE boots, like any good little goth-inflected lass---and pairing them with skirts and textured tights, drinking apple cider and hot's a wonderful time of year.  Apple season, sweet corn season, harvest season....a riot of life and warmth and color before the almost endless coma of winter white and slush grey.

Because that's the real reason I hate to see summer go, isn't it? Fall is wonderful, but after the fall comes the winter, and the winter I cannot abide.  Especially winters like the long, cold, interminable hell we had last year!  I never hated winter before moving here, either.  Even winters in upstate New York are better than Chicago winters.  In Rochester, there is a lot more snow, but it is never so bone-chillingly cold as it is here, and never so unrelentingly cloudy and grey and dull.  Rochester winters are more cotton fluff and diamonds in the sun.

I think I need to win the lottery so I can travel south for the winter like the birdies.  They've got the right idea!

life the universe and everything

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