I have this good friend named Trisha. She has an amazing little son named Robbie. Their lives are mostly pretty good, but also really challenging in a lot of ways. If Trisha weren't such a strong person, I don't know how they'd manage, really. You see, Robbie has autism. And while that means he has a fascinating perspective on the world, it also means that taking care of him is a constant drain on Trisha's energy.
Trisha and Robbie are going to be participating in Walk Now for Autism, a fundraiser to raise awareness of the growing prevalence of autistic disorders and to raise money to research treatments and to better understand the complexities of the disorder itself.
I've already donated some money to their cause, and I thought I'd post a link to
Team Robbie in hopes that some of you might be willing to give just a little bit to help these amazing people and all of those like them.