Sep 16, 2006 21:34
Had a goddamn wisdom tooth pulled the other day.
What the fuck? The human body is a total piece of shit. When its not breaking down on you half the time it's trying to fucking kill you. Anyway I have severly cut down on my smoking (having only a few today-three days since its been pulled). Sucks.
Okay, i'm probably gonna regret doing this but, please, please, go rent or buy the movie "Brick" Best movie of the year. Detective Noir set in a High School. Watch it with subtitles the first time, seriously, you will not want to miss a word of this dialog. All I'm gonna say.
A new show story:
So, me and my best girl Jill are in Iowa city.
It's sunday. That evening The Lawrence Arms are playing at the Picador (formely Gabe's) for ten bucks.
We have time to kill.
We go get a sandwich. We go comic shopping. We buy candy. We go to the movies. We eat the candy we bought. We get out of the movie with considerable time to kill.
Now Iowa City has the most fantastic bar scene I have ever experienced. You want loud bars, dance bars, quiet bars, painfully quiet bars, sport bars, any kind of bar, it's all right there downtown. We pick a bar, Joe's, and sit and drink.
We play darts, we listen to the Bears/Green Bay game and laugh (sports people are fucking weird.). We drink some more.
Now mind you, its just me and her.
We run out of smokes.
Fuck buying them at a bar, unless you like spending eight bucks for a pack of stale fucking Parliments (the worst cigarette ever...I'll have to expand on this another time).
We walk to the nearest gas station. Buy smokes.
Still lots of time to kill before the show. Maybe I'm getting old but I can stand very few Opening bands anymore.
We go to the Dublin Underground, a very relaxed bar.
We drink more.
We watch America's Funniest Home Videos with the sound turned off and laugh hysterically.
We quietly criticize the only two other people in the place choice of jukebox picks (seriously-FUCK "Brown Eyed Girl" and FUCK "The Beatles". Seriously.)
We drink.
We go the the show.
We're still early. We catch the end of some band called Bullets to Broadway.
We drink some more.
I see the lead singer sit by his merch, this is the conversation that follows between Jill and I:
"Look, the lead singer for Bullets To Broadway," I say
"Cool," Says Jill.
"Aww man, he's just sitting there. I feel like I should go buy a cd from him or something. Tell him good show or something," I say.
"Go for it," Jill replies.
"Sugarpop, I think I'm really drunk. Everything sounds like a good idea to me right now. Buy a cd from him? They were not good," I admit.
"I know. I think I'm hammered," Jill says.
We laugh at our ridiculous behavior. It is not until just now that we notice we can only stand upright when propped against the wall by the back bar.
We drank all afternoon and were now shitfaced at the show.
"Look, Jill, the guys from Lawrence Arms are standing next to us."
"Famous people are cool," she tells me.
We sit through two more opening bands (Note:"The Draft" is really good band).
Then we watch The Lawrence Arms rip through an amazing set for a crowd of less than thirty people. It was fucking amazing.
We left the show wondering why they didn't play Falcon songs.
Still drunk we realized that that's because they are not the Falcon.
We meet up with her buddies at this bar called The Mill and totally kick the asses of the entire bar at Pub Trivia and win our team a cool 66 bucks.
That was a fun night.