Sep 09, 2008 10:19
I never realized how awesome my eye doctors are from home. Screw the eye doctors here. 2 out of 3 have just plain terrible people skills, but whatever they don't teach you that in med school, I can kinda halfway deal with that. But when one of those two is gonna be a contact nazi... that I cannot deal with.
"didn't anyone tell you you aren't allowed to swim/shower with your contacts?"
"didn't anyone tell you you aren't allowed to wear lenses for over 12 hours?"
"what did they say was the cause of your corneal ulcer the last time?" "that something got in my eye while I was in my mom's convertible and reacted with my contacts..." "no, your eyes were dried out from wearing lenses too much and viruses just loooove dryness"
"it's not your contacts... you have good quality contacts... it's just your lens-wearing habits"
I never sleep in my contacts. I rarely wear my lenses for over 14 hours. Don't fucking tell me it's my habits that have given me ulcers in my corneas. Every lens wearer I know has worse habits than me but I don't know a single other person to have a corneal ulcer. I don't care if you tell me that my eyes react weird to contacts and that I can only wear them a little bit. But do not blame my ulcers on my supposedly fucking terrible habits. Because I take better care of my eyes than most people. If it was my habits alone that were causing corneal ulcers, I'd have a whole crap load more than the two I've had in my 5 and a half years of wearing contacts. And if it was those habits, every lens wearer I know would have corneal ulcers, or be fucking blind by now. So don't fucking give me that bullshit.
I didn't even mention living on the/swimming in the Magothy because I'm a nice enough person that I didn't want to give her a heart attack. So I'll try to remember to swim in the river without my contacts. I don't go in pools. And if I'm showering at night, I'll try to remember to take out my lenses before I shower, not after. But I'm not going to let the times I can and cannot wear my contacts rule my life. So screw you, you freaking contact lens nazi bitch.