Jul 26, 2008 19:07
Do teenage girl/women/whatever just get wider? I'm not fat, that's not what i'm saying. If anything, I have less fat on my stomach than last year. but i just tried on my prom dress (that i made and love more than anything i could ever dream of making) and it all fits except there's no way it would ever zip all the way. i'm talking by at least an inch and a half too, my back is just wider than it was. my boobs haven't grown, my stomach hasn't grown. I know my hips have, a lot, but my whole... body? back?
I'll never be able to wear that dress again, because i swear it's the bones that expanded, not fat. but does that happen? or am i just convincing myself that it's my bones when really i'm just plain fatter (not fat, just fatter) than last year?
I always knew that eventually my prom dress wouldn't fit anymore and it would just put away as something i could occasionally look back on to see what a great job I did. But one year later? I got to wear it once - prom night - and never again, not even just to put on in the house and feel pretty for one minute?