15...doesn't quite feel like it yet..X]

Oct 01, 2005 22:40

hmmm...my b-day^^
well yesterday started out pretty depressing because i didn't finish my WHAP outlines. i styed up till 3 doing my english essay and was prepared to stay up to at least 5 doing outlines, but i fell asleep. and so, i woke up at 6:40 trying to print everything out and pack up. (at least i felt more refreshed) consequently, we were a lot later than even normally...i couldn't even pack a lunch. then i was late to french for the second time in a row. =P madame gave me ooober longs sentences to write about how being tardy is bad...in french. that actualy didn't bother me much..mainly because i had bigger things on my mind. i didn't have time AT ALL to study for the WHAP test, along with not doing the outline. i was SOOOO depressed that i was gonna fail D=

i kinda cheered up a little tho...which is good cuz it's not good to be drepressed on ur birthday u kno..
jamie baked me cupcakes^^ THANK YOU jamie i wuv u! they were yummy..and kat got me an "autumn-y" poster and a cute little teacup thingy with cartooney bears on it...MERCI beaucoup..=D

handed out cupcakes at break and studied for the WHAP test...which turned out to be SO easy...!!! =DDDDDDDDDDDD i think i breezed it..
ooooo..it was funny..everyone in WHAP started singing happy birthday to me...*blush* haha..then mr. murray said NO SINGING or else we would have to do push ups =o

and in ASB..i was actually productive X] haha..and mr. reed called me an "awesome sophomore"..wutever that means..lol. at least now i don't have to worry bout my grade in there...cuz i kinda was..it feels like i do zero work sometimes and just drift aimlessly...
ne way, i went to the interview for french club at lunch. i was the only one running for sohpomore rep. heehee..i wON! yaaay! it was so fast and easy! haha..and madame was smiling a LOT and making jokes..it wasn't nerve-wrecking at all like i heard X]

yes..so then i was happy for the rest of the day! i was even happy to go to math..lol.

i only realized i left my PE clothes at home when i got to the locker room, but ms. uchi let it slide...."just because you're autumn"...haha...am i a teacher's pet? o.o
PE is cool cuz this whole week, we've had paddle tennis, and so we were allowed to use our real tennis rackets to play. and i can just stay at the courts after class and continue playing tennis since practice is right after XD

after school, loppy, ayana, kat, andrew, femi and i went to tony and alba's for pizza and wutnot. i didn't get lunch yet ..so it all worked out =DD then we went to starbucks. it wasn't until after ayana was done ordering and got her drink before i finally decided to order something too. then the people took a looong time to get it to me..but haha...im glad! because i got a complimentary coupon for a free drink since they took so long =D but ne way, after my drink came, only andrew and loppy were left.
"um...where'd they all go?"
"they had to leave cuz their ride came or somthing..."
after we got back to the tennis courts, ayana made a point to announce to me kat had left...but i suppose i should have noticed her backpack was still there. i still didn't sudpect when ayana suspiciously dragged me out to go with her to the locker room. i prolly should have wondered why loppy and andrew were following too o.o at this point..i REALLY should have figured it out...don't know why i didn't. next thing i know, kat comes out of nowhere and attacks with a cake in her hand which soon ended up all over my face and hair. hahaa...I'll cut the details about the big commotion that was created.

haha..i only wonder how everything worked out so perfectly. if I had decided not to get something at starbucks, i would have left with them as a group, therefore not giving ayana and kat a chance to sneak over to nob hill to buy a cake. OR, if i had bought my drink earlier, they wouldn't have gotten a chance to split up without seeming veeery supsicious. and what a coincidence that the people at starbucks took extra long to get me my drink...im not completely sure it wasn't a conspiracy..haha.
all in all..it's very interesting being caked o.o thank you guys...for your....erm...effort^^!

then i finally got to practice tennis =D
later i went to art class, yay i think my painting is gonna look pretty nifty^^

then today went by really fast. we went to the mall and shopped around for dressies.
haha..poor alex and andrew..they had to wait around for us for hours while we tried stuff on =x
btw, thanks everyone for getting me the "watermelon" converse^^ i heart you!
i found my dress for homecoming! I am now in love with it. it's perfect <3

then i went with my family to Todai's for my b-day dinner. scrumptious..<3

*sigh*..well i guess that ends the fun portion of my weekend. i feel like im behind on hw now >=X
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