May 21, 2005 21:15
i got dragged up at 8 in the morning and arrived at school for pinning day. pretty productive =] i got lotsa stuff done..and im pretty sure i got the bug project in the palm of my hand X] but im not gonna jinx it...
later, near noon, gigliotti took us around the school and creek to hunt for bugs...didnt catch much..then we all spotted a huge butterfly and i almost caught it when it landed in a tree but then this big dude reached over my net with his net and nabbed it =<...but then after, gigliotti gave me the wasp and true bug he caught and didnt really need =] consolation prize?? haha..X]
we were in the classroom when femi suddenly "noticed" a huge butterfly outside. immediately, eda, rosa, and i flew out the door to try and catch it. =_= we didn't see ne thing...haha..everyone started yelling at femi.
got out at noon and walked to subway to get, im not used to doing that alone ne more..=3..then i walked over to kat's house for the lit circle skit. justina was already there and brian and jeff arrived soon after. we walked to the park and sat in the shade of the trees. haha..we were soon pretty much off task when we spotted butterflies and drgonflies out in the field. we chased after them for like forever..but the dragonflies were flying too high. domage..("too bad" in french) cuz the they were a shiny pretty blu color*.* i caught a pretty semi-rainbow colored butterly tho =]
then..we really couldnt focus between talking bout star wars, really random stuff, messing around with the camera..and occasionally jumping up after bugs. haha..then justina and jeff started blowing horn sounds with blades of grass..(X] i cant do it) then it got OOBER hilarious when we started making prank calls on speaker phone ^^;; brian called alex and randy..
alex/randy - where ARE you??
brian - im in HEll..!
alex/randy - no really..where are you?
brian - i told u, im in hell!
haha..and we had jeff and justina use grass to make the horn sound..."its the devil's horn!!"
haha..and my brilliant idea of a finale..
"the connection in hell sucks...*crackle crackle*" [hang up]
we used my phone to talk to both of them at the same time using speakerphone on both phones...
randy - "wait..r we on three way?? im confused..."
lmao...we all cracked up on that one X] side hurt from all the laughing^^ then we tried pranking andrew..but his dad picked up and we didn't brian went ahead and asked "is andrew-pandrew-wandrew there??" in a pretty gayish voice^^;; hahah...we all exploded when he answerd "no, andrew isn't here right now..."
haha..then we decided to move to the picnic table to try and maintain our for awhile..but when jeff left, we spotted a goose and did the macarana on top of the picnic table X] haha..u had to be there =P
then we went back to kathleen's house to try and get some more work done..we managed to scrape by with most of the outline done..but we spent most of the time going online and stuff..o thomas said she'd give us two crzy days to get our skit together in class. then while waiting for our rides to get here..we played..the classsic game of MASH!! ^^..haha..the results were amusing...=D
yes yes..all in all..nice sum stuff done..had lotta laughs..but we BETTER not get a D on this thing! =.=