Oct 05, 2006 07:56
This is the tragedy that befell me yesterday, making yesterday one of my worst days ever:
* Found out that no matter what I do, I will be unable to make my target at work for this period, because of really bad timing on behalf of one of my customers. Making my targets goes towards my year-end raise and bonus.
* Had my free personal training session at the gym. When I got there on time, they told me that a few trainers had called in sick and they were scrambling to make good on all of their appointments. Since mine was complimentary, I offered to reschedule. They insisted I stay, and I waited 20 minutes for them to assign me to a trainer, a woman whose singular goal was the fuck up my back.
* Got home to find out that Tivo crapped out mid-"Lost" and, well, lost ten minutes of the episode. So I'm going to buy it through iTunes today and watch it tonight, if I ever get home from work.
So to sum, I'm chained to my desk, my back hurts, and I didn't see Lost.