My Political Choice

Sep 01, 2008 07:34

A little bit of a story as to my reasoning why I'm voting the way I am.

The United States government, at its inception, was divided into three areas - the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. The three are supposed to keep each others' power in check so as to nohave one branch be too in control.

George Washington, our first President, was the only President with no political party affiliation. When he left, he warned the people of the dangers of political parties. And ... nobody listened to this wise man.

In 2000, we made a terrible mistake in electing (and no, we're not rehashing the did he get elected thing) George W. Bush. At the time, the Republicans controlled Congress. Adding Bush and his cronies to the Presidency gave the Republicans both the executive and legislative branches. They proceeded to go on a power trip, get most everything they wanted and made the country out of whack.

In 2006, the Democrats took control of Congress. Now, they stand to do the same thing the Republicans did - take control of both branches and pass every single blasted thing they want and mess up the country.

Due to political parties, the checks and balances built into the system no longer work. Giving control to one party is a terrible idea. I don't trust the Democrats to police themselves any better than the Republicans did.

Which means I'm forced to vote for John McCain. Pelosi-interest Congress with Obama to sign off on everything scares me much more than McCain and Pelosi fighting a lot.

Gads this Presidential election depresses me.
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