me pouting X(

Mar 10, 2007 10:17

Ugh, okay, Mal? (And Whittney, too, for that matter, if you're on LJ at all anymore. hee) You know I love you both, and the Art History Department to which you are affiliated. But the Art Department probably isn't going to take my Sumie credits and THAT MAKES ME SAD FACE. DX C'mooooon. Why is Art being finicky with me, Mal? The PolySci and History department chairs were both like, "Whatevs!" I want answers! And cupcakes! ...mainly cupcakes!


...anyway, since this means I probably have to take an art class next semester, wanna give me advice on what to take? Anyone? Keep in mind that I draw crappy cartoon people if that gives anyone ideas. And damn, some of the classes need pre-reqs, don't they? BLARGH ART IS FINICKY. THIS IS WHY I DON'T DO IT FOR REALS.

rl, school

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