Feb 25, 2007 12:08
So, you know what's awkward?
Trying to explain to your host parents why, exactly, making a mistake between saying "the coming election" and "the coming erection" is so damned funny. Especially when your host mother chooses that moment to ask why, exactly, it's called an "erection" (because isn't "erect" a word by itself?)
Yeah. Still love my hosto fam, but will be taking this week to stop blushing.
On another note, Molly and Amelio, I'm sorry, but your gifts are going to have a wait a week. Sorry! I thought I would be able to get them done this weekend, but plans arose and my hosto fam's old host kid stopped by, and there are things a'happening. Also, for the first half of next week I have midterms in Japanese -- listening, speaking, and written exam --, and during the second half I'm going to be in China.
...annnnd by the way, I'm going Hong Kong with my hosto family for their friend's wedding. For about four days, which I should have mentioned earlier, but I didn't, so... sorry! But yeah, Hong Kong. When I return, however, I should have a lot more time, and trust me, I have been working on your gifts!
And. Um. [scurries away to go study] I loves you all! forgive me my inability to function while stressed!