Jul 19, 2009 22:52
Man, if the third time's supposed to be the charm I'm not feeling that way now... I'm off to the San Diego Comic-Con Tuesday afternoon, and I'm not sure I could be a bigger ball of stress than I am right now. We'll see, I have a tendency to perform spectacularly under insane pressure (like when I did an entire summer quarter's worth of WA state history the night before it was due... lazy fuck). There's so much to do before, during, and after the convention that I can't seem to relax...
First of all, there's school:
I'm going to miss 4 classes in Life-Span and Development Psychology (an entire week) and 1 class in Multicultural Education while I'm away. While Psychology is reasonably covered I'm going to have to be "in touch" while down in San Diego under as-of-yet unspecified circumstances. For Multicultural Ed I have a frikkin' group project that is due, with complimentary presentation, on my first day of class after returning. I haven't even begun it yet because of my comic portfolio (more on that in a bit) and will most likely wind up having to accomplish my part of the project while down in San Diego or on the plane... somehow. I'm thinking about doing it while at the airports if I can't somehow pull that rabbit out of my hat by the time I reach Sea-Tac on Tuesday. Then I have my online summer course, which is Education Foundation 101, and while that's easily remedied (ie- do it now) the tests are not even made available until Friday and due that Sunday, so I'll have to find time while down there to do the quiz. I imagine I'll be taking some text books down with me as well... *sigh*
Onto the comics:
I have begun making a comic portfolio! I'm not terribly amazed by these pages, but they are the first pages I have made IN MY ENTIRE LIFE so I'm reasonably satisfied at least. I had planned on starting a lot earlier than I did, but the inability to find comic-paper in Silverdale, Bremerton, and Poulsbo didn't help much. Even Artist's Edge is apparently no longer stocking it due to low sales. So I found a great price online for a bundle of 100 Canson sheets shipped to my appartment in Ellensburg, but it got delayed more than I would care for and I began these pages nearly a week later than I wanted. I had planned on doing 5 pages of Journey stuff (you know... cuz, yeah) 2-3 cover sheets, and 2 pages of a WarCraft comic to pique WildStorm's interest. However, school is truly a bitch. I currently have 4 of the 5 pages for Journey and no cover images, although I do have a full-sheet image that isn't technically a cover but may suffice. Unfortunately, its also Journey related, so I'm not going to have a hell of a lot of variety in character depicitions here. Damn. Oh wells, at least I go something, right? We'll see. I'm not expecting much, but it'd be nice to get the hell out of College for a while and just draw pictures for money, lol, and finish school later on when I don't feel so many... outside forces pulling me all over the place.
I haven't begun the 5th page yet because of all the school stuff bogging me down. :(
But hey, it'll be fun. I know that. It just won't be as fun as I had originally envisioned. Sad too, because I have no idea if there will be a chance to go next year, I doubt my parents will pay for a 4th year, rewards as they've all been in the past for good grades or not. At the very least I've got an entire week of hanging out with Sarah to look forward to, with no one else tagging along to drag us down like last year, so that's a win right there. I may even get to run into Chevelle and Christian occassionally while down there, too.
As always, my mammoth journal entry will follow upon my return, detailing all of my wacky (and apparently, this year, also mundane...) exploits over the week that I am down there.
Yeah, you read that right. A whole week. You people and your dirty minds, for shame...