Nov 22, 2006 15:13
The Boston Latin Academy GSA was cheered on in a delayed announcement of it as a club at the Junior/Senior part of Spirit Day. During the anouncements of the clubs the GSA was mysteriously omitted. Jonathan Collado and Bryanna/Kirby/Steve/Jose/Whatever McAllister went down to the announcers and asked for an explanation. Afterwards, I went over to both of them and asked what was up and apparently since the GSA wasn't present for the announcement of the clubs at the the Sixie/8th grade and Freshman/Sophomore parts it was omitted from the last part. To explain ourselves we went to talk to Mr.Huie who made that decision ut were talked to by Davice Nardi and he said that at that point in tim there was nothing that could be done because we weren'tpresent and apparently he called out for us to wait for our call to be announced. We then took our seats. About 5 minutes later i approached Jason Williams and said and asked nicely if anything could be done because he was taking away my last chance to have a club I helped start be represented at the spirit day celebrations and if this wasn't possible that i would get Ms' Aaronson involved and a possible lawsuit because it was discrimination. Ms. Campia then proceeded to tell me that during one of the little breaks in activity between acts she would see if the announcement could be made and to tell the other members, Jonny, Bryanna/Kirby/Steve/Jose/Whatever and I, to be ready to run out. We then were announced after the next act and we recieved a large cheer from the seniors and a cheer from the juniors but the seniors gave the better response. It's amazing ow an empty threat of a lawsuit can get things done. Now I will see if i can get a GSA photo in the Yearbook. i believe the same strategy can be used, niceness and if tat doesn't work empty threat of legal actions. ^-^
...And yes i know this sounds like a newspaper article but it's also a sort of college essay practice