Today I did something totally amazing, or so
Mummy and
[D]Addy keep saying while they smother me in kisses and cuddles.
Mummy bought me some pretty knickers while she was shopping today. She says I have to wear them instead of my nappy, and if I need to go to the toilet I have to let her know.
I really wanted to wear them so I said I would tell her if I needed to go to the toilet.
Earlier this evening
Mummy was cooking dinner and
[D]Addy was checking his email when I realised that I neede to go to the toilet. I grabbed my special toilet seat that sits on the big toilet so I don't fall in and went down stairs to
The conversation went like this:
Char: "
[D]Addy, toilet."
[D]Addy: "Yes that is your special toilet, do you want to go to the toilet?"
Char: "Yes Please
So up stairs we go and
[D]Addy puts my special seat on the big toilet. I take my pretty new knickers and pants off and
[D]Addy helps me onto the seat.
[D]Addy: " Are you going to do a wee?"
Char: "Yes""
So I did a wee and used toilet paper all by myself.
[D]Addy Was sooooo excited and when he told
Mummy she came running up the stairs and was really excited too. I even got 2 special stickers for being so clever.
No more of this nappy business for me, I am a big girl now