Mar 02, 2009 02:27
After staying out with my sisters till 5am, I woke up to pack on Friday. Picked up Grandma and Grandpa at 2:30, and listened to them talk about the weather and the traffic (which was non-existent) for a while until the conversation turned to much less PC topics including interracial marriage. *shoot me now*
So the entire weekend was like a scene out of Everybody Loves Raymond, where my uncle is Ray (a snobbier version) and my dad is Robert (a drunker version). Anywho...we spent one day at the Hilton sunbathing with Ezgi and Mikie while Grandma tried her darnedest to pretend as though Claudette didn't exist.
On a side note: and I can say this now since I have had time to calm down...I have come to the conclusion that it is because of Ezgi's sexuality, not her looks, that I feel inferior. I think I have the wholesome look, and no matter what I do or what I wear I simply cannot make men look at me like they look at her. My sexuality is just more reserved, more innocent. I don't know as I like that.
Lord what a weekend. I miss my Daddy, but its like the idea that I am CLOSE to him is enough. If I'm in the same city...seeing me or talking to me isn't an issue. Self-conscious in my itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny polka dot bikini....around two of the prettiest people I know. Awkward conversations with the family.
At least I got to sleep this weekend.
And at least I'm home again.