
Aug 09, 2008 14:45

First, I finally saw The Dark Knight. And yes, it was stellar. But you knew that, because I'm the last person in the country to have seen the damn movie.

Second, I bought the new Jason Mraz CD. It's pretty darn good.

Third, kitten pictures.

This is Bea. She looks a little evil in this picture, but she's actually really sweet. Except when she's kicking her brother in the head.

Bea looking a bit less Satanic.

Spot spent most of his time trying to beat my shoes into submission.

I'm really quite serious.

The first two of Spot were taken yesterday. This one was taken today. He was still attempting to kill my shoes.

Mostly for reference purposes. My shoes are a size 7.5. They're still a teensy bit bigger than Spot, and Spot is bigger than Bea. They are wee little creatures.

I was trying to get pictures of them together, but they just don't. hold. still. They are hellions in every sense of the word but dear Lord they are cute hellions. If you sit down in the chair, they crawl allll over you. And then they try to fight each other from opposite shoulders, which isn't so awesome.

They're kinda in the teething stage, too. Spot's worse though, he chewed me constantly. Bea chews a little but she mostly just flails and purrs and yeah. I loves them and if I thought my Tonks could handle a friend, I'd try to convince my parents to give me one. But I think Tonks would haaaate it. So no.

I don't really want to go to work, haha. I am feeling extra lazy right now.

kitties!, pictures

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