So I'm in Riverside at the moment, popping Vicodin and playing with cats. Yesterday, I had my gallbladder removed! Yeeeah, fun times. I don't think I wrote about any of that stuff in here, so we'll start at the beginning.
If you've got a weak stomach, probably skip the next paragraph.
A little over a month ago, on a Tuesday, I was taking a nap while waiting for laundry to be done. All of a sudden, this incredible pain shoots through my stomach, waking me up. I barely make it to the bathroom before I puke. I stay violently ill all night, call out of work Wednesday morning, miss class Thursday. I'm feeling a bit better by Saturday, so I go to work that evening. After work, the boy and I hang out at his sister and her husband's place. We've been there maybe an hour before I start to feel like I'm dying and I'm burping up the taste of sulfur. I go home and lie on my bed all night in unimaginable pain. Finally, at about 5:30 Sunday morning, I call mom crying.
We end up in the St Jude's emergency room. They give me an IV with some painkillers and I pee in a cup and have an ultrasound. The doctor cracks a joke about making sure I wasn't pregnant (which I obviously wasn't) and then tells me I've got a gallstone and the beginnings of another one. Joy.
Couple weeks later, we go to the surgeon to see what he thinks and he recommends getting it removed because I'm young and can handle it, and it's better than having to deal with attacks again later. Appointment for removal is set for April 1st. Doctor has a death in the family with the funeral on the 1st, so I get moved to the 3rd.
No food after midnight I can handle. No liquid after 6 AM when my surgery is at 1:30? Oh dear Christ, why? I drink water like a fiiiish. Unfortunately, our pre-admit lady said I could have Jello before 6, so I had Jello breakfast at 5:30. My anaesthesiologist went from funny to pissy in .2 seconds when I told him that. I got one hell of a lecture and I was sad.
I woke up at about 3:30 in the recovery room and Bani's dad totally came over to say hi to me, which was so sweet because we hadn't even told the Dillons I was having surgery. I was still pretty foggy, though, and I didn't have my glasses on so it took a minute to fully recognize who he was. "Hey, there's a guy in a turban. I know him, who is he, oh yeeeeeah. Hiiii!"
So now I'm home with four holes in my stomach, looking like I got a really shitty spray tan that only covers part of my abdomen. I'm being mothered and my brother's actually been really, really nice. I'm not sleeping too well because most of the holes are on the right side of my stomach and I can really only sleep on the right side of my stomach D: And laying down is all kinds of not fun, because it takes like 5 minutes to get back up, hahaha.
I've got some 3 weeks off from work. Most people can go back to work in a week, but most people have office jobs. I push carts and carry cases of water. That's asking for bad things.
Speaking of work, I got my 1 year pin and the pay for the vacation I never took. I can't believe I've been there a whole year already. It's nice.
Amber and Sean should be over soon. I haven't seen them in ages - I still have Amber's Christmas present. Oh man.
Also, school is going quite well as of late. I'm happy.
I thiiink that's about it with life right now.