Они дивные, дивные, дивные!

Dec 29, 2006 22:40

И сложился у меня шестикрылыйлепестковый узор дивной симметрии исполненный: от (Первый лепесток) моих день-рожденных лилий http://squirella.livejournal.com/57301.html до сегодняшних мучений с записью диска (и какой #@$^@ кладет в осла целый альбом склеенный в один файл?!) The Gorey End by (Шестой лепесток) The Tiger Lillies and Kronos Quartet. И не просто диска, а в подарок на новый год...

(Второй лепесток) Пасхальная лилия в роли принадлежности талисмана рассматривалась в основном как фаллический символ.
Х. Новак via donor_darom

(Третий лепесток) Строение каких цветов связано с числами 6 и 3?

Четвертая причина не может быть истинной в столь неприкрытом виде. Ведь белые лилии имеют по три и шесть лепестков и не бесплодны.
И.Кеплер via flaass

(Четвертый лепесток) Календари составляете?
Hipdeep Family

In January Cousin Fred
We found him in the attic dead.
In February’s odd adventure
Father lost his dentures.
In March Fiona got a fright
When she was coming home one night.
Some people in a long black car
Made her get in and drove her far.
In April Horace left behind
Without a thought what little mind
He may have had. In the result
He joined an unknown eastern cult.
In May Aunt Flo began to sneeze,
Which heralded some strange disease.
In June James got himself arrested
And still is far and wide detested.
In July Mama’s pin money dwindled
Away to nought when she was swindled.
In August Bruno had a fit,
A passing tot he fiercely bit.
In September Amy’s luck was rotten
While singing Die Frau ohne Schatten.
In October Alice was betrothed
To Edgar whom she found she loathed.
In November it was rather frightening
When Baby Boo was struck by lightning.
The experts think perhaps he’ll walk
And even learn to sort of talk.
We spent December on a cruise,
Where everyone was sad to lose
Miss Grey in Norway’s deepest fjord,
She happened to fall overboard.
So much for us - we trust that you
Have managed somehow to get through
The year and so can celebrate
A bit before the hand of fate
Shall get us in its clutch again,
But we anticipate our Gorey end.


(Пятый лепесток) Год свиньи, говорите?
Learned Pig

At the turn of the last century an unusual pig was reared.
While others wallowed in the mud on vans’ letters he peered,
While others wallowed he taught himself to read
From an abandoned library edition the works of Regera Dowdy.
To escape the usual fate of pigs he fled to London town,
He lived off garbage here and there and read every poster found.
One day he answered the rhetorical question of a passing boy,
Now in the fairground his skills they are employed.
He was put to sit on a bucket in front of a banner
To answer stupid questions in a profound manner.
Soon he’d heard each question, each question before,
So now in the fairground he’s starting to get bored.
One day in mid-answer passed a troupe of festive pigs,
He got down, got run over and now no longer lives.
He’s up there in pig heaven, up there in the sky,
He reads to all the other pigs, the other pigs who have died.

кадриль, лилии, рифмы

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