А из нашего окна

Jan 11, 2009 22:51

...day has brought the squirrels out of hibernation. The leafless trees in the garden make a kind of adventure playground for them. I watched two playing tag in the chestnuts just outside my study window: spiralling up a trunk, dodging and feinting among the branches, than scampering along a bough and leaping to the next tree, then zooming down the side of its trunk headfirst, freezing halfway, claws sticking like Velcro to the corrugated bark, then streaking across the grass, one trying to shake off the other by jinking and swerving and turning on a sixpence till he reached a bole of a canadian poplar and they both rocketed up its side into the thin elastic branche and balanced there, swaying gently and blinking contentedly at each other. Pure play - no question. They were just larking about, exercising their agility for the sheer fun of it If there's such a thing as reincarnation, I wouldn't mind coming back as a squirrel.

David Lodge "Therapy" (the opening passage)

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