May 04, 2009 11:13
Life is tough, for all of us. In the current economic climate of fear and privation, it is getting harder and harder for people to make a living doing the creative endeavors they love. With the rest of us tightening our belts and forgoing such 'luxuries' as hand crafted items those people who have made their living making pretty things for the rest of us are having a tough time. The same is true with entertainment we have less and less money to go out and watch shows regardless of how astounding the performers are. Whats worse, with the current unemployment levels, those people who have dedicated themselves to their crafts instead of getting 'normal' jobs are having trouble competing for 9 to 5 jobs with the folks who have recently been downsized and are looking for anything.
So, think again about forgoing some of those things, or arrange a barter if you have something to offer. Just remember, we ALL have to eat, and live, and while yes we need to spend money wisely, I think we need to take into consideration the value of keeping creativity and beauty alive. Art, beauty entertainment, that is what feeds our soul, and it is a shame that we are so willing to let that go in the face of tough times. I'd hate to see the beauty and creativity among my friends and loved ones stifled because of money.
Oh and if anyone wants to write or comment with a website they want people to look at in support of their work, I'll be happy to post it. Obviously no kiddie or animal pron, but anything else I'll post a list both here and in my facebook.