Do I want to know what they are thinking?

Mar 05, 2009 16:06

Ok, as much as anyone who disagrees with it can,I understand the Catholic churches stand on abortion. But their opposition to it in this case, a 9 year old Brazilian girl who was RAPED and was carrying twins, in unconscionable in my view.

I'm not going to argue the abortion topic as a whole, I won't paint the whole church with the same evil paintbrush. But this is just about the people who made the decision to treat this child this way.

She's 9. Not an adult, not fully grown and had NO choice in getting pregnant. (It would be unwise for the SOB stepfather to ever be within throwing distance of me) There is almost no way she could have carried them and given birth healthily. It not a case where a woman and her boyfriend/lover did something they shouldn't and can go through the pregnancy and perhaps give the child up to a good home or anything. This is a child who was raped. Give her a chance to reach adulthood as a healthy human being with a chance.

So a little compassion people and act like a human being, not a parrot for a book written thousands of years ago.

I'm turning off comments because I don't think I want to take the chance of even ONE person condoning the Brazilian Catholic Church's stance.
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