(no subject)

Sep 17, 2004 14:51

so i felt like updating.

me joe, corrine and steve are supposed to go to the movies tonight. im all ready to go. and im just waiting.

so. nothing really big or exciting has been happening. havent gone anywhere, havent seen anyone. this is my life. gay, i know.

my birfday is in 16 days. ill be 18 thank you very much. wow. steve is taking me shopping!! yay-a!

amys baby shower is nov. 6th. i cant wiat. im gonna go crazy, i know it. i cant help it. i love buying baby stuff.

im going to school next fall. i havent decided if im going to do hair, nails, or makeup. i absolutely love doing all of them but im not sure if you can. idk, ill have to research some more. i should talk steve into comeing to school with me and amy. he'd be really good at it. hes always dying my hair. and braiding it.

speaking of hair dying. im thinking i wanna go somewhere and have them take out the black and dye it a color ive never had before. BLONDE. not bright blonde. suddle blonde. like aaaaa dirty blonde.

idk. im worried itll look bad, but if i dont like it, i can always dye over it.
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