it must b sunday...

Aug 28, 2005 15:44

stolen from, erm.. the girls i think

10 things that make you happy:
1. music
2. shoes
3. friends
4. tasty shiraz & rollies on cold winter nights
5. Rosé & blue cheese in the sun with mates
6. cheap ciggies care of indo
7. nostalgic moments
8. progressing with my career
9. Australia Day. Its always nice weather, jjj 100% partys r sweet as, and I'm brown and healthy at that time of year!
10. topless sunbaking

9 things that make you sad:
1. the fact that the 'scene' is such a talked about subject. its just not that important to discuss and diss and puff ur chest out over guys.
2. Rad people who get fatal illnesses and die too young
3. Hangovers/comedowns
4. Loneliness
5. War
6. Arguing with people who WILL NOT take on another perspective in the process of discussion
7. Cheaters
8. The fact that my sister is a weak excuse for a sister and it took me close to 25 years to discover this
9. Grey Skies and a lack of vitamin D in my life.

8 things you see when you wake up:
1. bad wallpaper
2. mess
3. alarm clock, light, more mess
4. there is no way im gona make it till 8 without boring myself here

7 things you ate today:
1. wheat free musli w yohurt, soy milk and stawberries
2. veggie patti w salad and mango chutney
3. skim latte at 'the trendy wog cafe on glenferrie rd' (ie. can't remember what it was called but had to take my dickies off and find something groovy before i left the house which was gaybo)
4. juice
5. tea
6. hippie medicine
7. i really don't think i could stretch this one out any further

6 first people in your mobile phone contacts:
1. Aasha (vinnie's GF)
2. Abbie Polak
3. Adam ITG
4. Adooo
5. Alice SKipper
6. Alanna Coxon

5 movies you like:
1. Garden State
2. Van Wilder. Party Liason
3. Meet the Folkers
4. The Sound of Music
5. Pretty Woman

4 nicknames you have:
1. Em
2. Frazzle
3. Fraze
4. Emma Funtimes

3 songs you like:
1. understanding in a car - Thursdayyyyyyy
2. GirlBoy - Magic Dirt (only the lyrics and only because its particularly relevant to a relationship i have w someone)
3. Tiny lil fractures - Snow Patrol. how do u do those lil heart thingies? like this - <3? yeah.... I <3 this song ;)

2 things you've downloaded to your phone:
1. nothing
2. ever

1 moment of your life where you were truly happy:
1. I liked Anna's answer the best. Im a fuckin ray of sunshine too. I need this to be a top ten not a top 1 to answer this qu.

This week/weekend was low key.
Ans and I sat up till some ungodly hr dribbling shit and drinkin vino in our trackies on friday night.
House hunting all day sat. Not so good so i made myself feel better by purchasing a hot new pair of boots and sex underwear, even though i hate buying underwear w a passion. Something to do with having micro boobs and not shakin my booty infront of some sex slave - ever.
Got a DVD to watch sat but fell asleep before I got the chance to watch it.
Breakfast 'at the trendy joozapina/wog cafe' as i like to call it this morn on Glenferrie Rd w the b'ful Harrison sisters.
Went to get the new mobbys sorted but they close on sundays? why why whyyyyy. dont they know that i have no time during the week to sort this shit out.
bought a mini coffee plunger for work instead.
Oh dear goddd, After the Fall front cover on Beat is soooooooo cute! I was cruisin round on sat and some new song came on jjj and i bopped up n down. Good stuff.
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