Apparently I am developing a black country accent. This is very
worrying as it is a horrid sounding accent and I don't know how to stop
it! I blame Rob's mum for teaching me black country dilect. I miss
Am back at uni now, the good news is that last semester's results
kicked ass. 3 As and B (yes I am boasting!) but I feel a bit indiferent
about this semester. I couldn't be arsed to go my seminaire today - 90
mins in a hot lecture theatre was enough for one day. But I did go
shopping and bought some pink converse shoes instead. Yey pink shoes,
at last my dreams have come true.
I really must stop Rob persuading me to watch zombie movies. Tonight we watched
Shatter Dead
which really bad. Yes, Rob, I agree that the idea of the movie was
interesting but the acting was terrible, the movie was boring and there
was a lot of bad nudity. The only good part was that there was a
look-a-like of Rob's male friend Chris as a female angel. If Rob's
extensive collection of zombie movies are not bad films then they scare
me! Yes, I know that is the point of horror films, but I don't like
being scared and freaked out last thing at night. I'd rather watch a
film about nicer things like cats. Although the film
Take Care of my Cat did make me cry loads, but at least didn't have any zombies in.
I must stop rambling and go to bed.