Nothing hurts like looking stupid in the face.

Jul 27, 2009 22:39

Watching the Thunderfoot, Ray Comfort debate on youtube. I have several criticisms of Thunderfoot that boil down to two things. 1. He doesn't confront the fact that Ray's initial premise is wrong and a circular argument. The bible proves god exists and god proves the bible correct. 2. He allows Ray to rattle off to many contradictory things that are easily proven wrong. I give him an A for being a nice guy.

The problem is that the sheer amount of bullshit coming off of a single statement that Ray says requires to many fields of knowledge than one person can know.
Why is there something not nothing? Well... that is a good question. People are working on it. Some scientists say that nothing is to unstable to exist so something is always created within the nothing. Particles come into existence and then flash out. (Real evidence, look it up, I'm to tired.)
To posit a christian, muslim, sumirian, greek, unicorn, faerie or any other of supernatural entities on that creation is just anthropomorphizing the natural process around us.
The supernatural is a concept of our brain trying to figure out what is happening around us.
When our idea of the supernatural manifests it is no longer supernatural. It is nature. Like lightning, rain or desease.... Read More
Hell, we can still find peoples who believe in such things now in all parts of the world.

In India we had people who huddled in there homes because of fear from the eclipse.
In Africa we have people raping young girls and chopping up albinos because they thing their flesh will save them.
In China we have people torturing animals and running some extinct just to get an erection or some other implied supernatural properties.
How is this different from many of the beliefs seen here?
I don't think is much difference.... Read More
I get really mad when people lie to justify their beliefs but somehow I also get sad.

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