Cam: Can I borrow a Gilmore Girls disc??? Im so bored down stairs i have nothing to do... Ive been playing Halo by myself! I need something to do!
Me: *Burst out into hysterical laughter*
Cam: Well can I or not Im Bored!
Me: I think you need something to do...heres disc one of season 4 of gilmore girls...
Cam: Thanks... hey have you seen the episode where Rory calls... uhh.. the guy who owns the store...
Me: Luke?
Cam: YEAH! Thats it... she calls him and Lorelai is there... she was having a birthday party or whatever...
Me: I think I need to get seasons 1-3 for you to watch so you know whoes who and whats what...
Cam: Ya that would be cool!! I like chick shows I even like house! Whats wrong with that?!
Me: Tiff and me both laughed at you... *laughs again*
Cam: Come on its a good way to get the chicks!
Me: *hysterical laughter again*
omg! TIFFEY!! do you see what youve done?! DO YOU SEE?! lmao im sorry but this was toooooooo funnnnnny!!! he wanted *laughs* gilmore girls... hahahahahahahahahaha
This is something I did not write... this is something one of my best friends wrote. And it touched me... and so I wanted to post it...
I never wrote anything before, hell I never got a perfect test either. I was never told that I was good at something or that I should write. I am writing this because of the fact that people want to know me even though when they do they run the other way.
Now how to start something that affects not just one person but all the people that would read this if any.
Now before we start this you as the reader have to understand that everything that has happened to me has happened in threes. Since we have that covered I think I am going to start by mentioning high school. It’s not what everyone thinks it’s not easy and its fun if you allow people to make it that way. I have had and have great friends because of my high school experiences.
Alright High School yes the old saying goes those are the best years of your life. Well that if is you did not have to fight to get into it and make a deal that you would have a 80 average in every class or else they would be able to kick you out and put you into a school that you did not wish to attend. But anyways the best years yes I would agree with only that part of that saying it was the best I made friends I never thought I would. I hung out with people that made a impact on my life even if they did not know it. I was not popular or normal hell I was not even normal well what people thought was normal, I was mean and loved it. I treated people with the same respect that they did me and if they pissed me off I told them. Well not to mention working with Danny did not help much man hanging that kid made me feel so much better. Alright I know that sounded bad but it had to be done from that day on he did do his work which was so amazing since it one person only had to take the will power to hang him. Anyways I have met such amazing people because of it they all have different looks on things and they all have there own way of putting things, even if it is the harder way of doing things.
Not one person sticks out in my mind but the experiences that we all had and the tricks that we played on each other, like when Sam and I played a trick on people about her going out with Matt G. if I did not mention matt was hot with two t’s . We did not want to hurt anyone but just wanted to see how many people liked him trust me when I said a lot. But at the end of the day we told everyone that it was joke and Matt was single which made people smile. Now since I have mentioned Matt he is a good dear friend of mine we hung out and then people told and talked about us like we were going to date even though I would never date Matt, so we didn’t talk for a year and that was not well it was hard we seen each other yes but we did not hang or anything. Now Matt is one of those boys that need that push to do something so from his friends pushing he has his licence and he has his life on somewhat of a track. Alright who’s next one would think well lets go with my “Wife” yes Ainsley now this girl is nuts but so nice to hang with when you need to be put in line, she never tried to show off or not be who she was and that’s what I learned from her. We got married in our math class in grade 10 our teacher was one of our brides maids her boyfriend was our made of honour and so fourth. We talked and taught each other a lot I told her school was so important and that family was everything even if you did not realize it at the time.
Now there is one of my friends I will never forget her name is Sable I knew her since public school she was one of the few that was strong even if you seen her you would think different but she was the strongest person I knew. She announced in grade 11 that she was Gay and in our little school that was huge, everyone made fun of her not a single person stood up for her. She also left that year, now you are probably wondering what could she have done to make a impacted on anyone well she taught our school how to not be something that you aren’t and she taught everyone that its alright to be different even if people pick on you. She showed something that one person could make a impacted on more then one person. Now she never knew this but she is and always will be the person that impacted my life a great deal.
Alright now onto Dayna she’s something she’s strong willed and hates to be told what to do if any one she is one that scares me most because when she had a point it was made even if she did not think people listened we heard her. Now she hated school or well that’s what I thought but she was really good at it she never failed or had teachers hate her. She’s also one of the few that I can see with children she is very sweet it’s like there are two sides of her the mean I know what I want and then the sweet person that would do anything to just see you smile. Now not to mention this girl played her tricks on all of us and made bets about myself and coffee which I lost but hey it was worth it.
I learned a lot of her also I learned that it is alright to let people close to you even if you think that they may hurt you in the end. But just to know that if you needed any of them they would be there in a heart beat and not think on it twice.
There are a lot more to go so if you need a coffee or if you need something go and get it well you have the chance.
Alright now that we all had something to drink and eat hell even gone to the bathroom shall we begin again?
Now there is Sandie she is one of my best friends we were not close in the beginning but our friendship jut grew and we hung out a lot and we had and have a lot in common. We played tricks on her mother to get her to go out and we helped each other in certain classes not to mention I am still helping her well when I can. I was there when she went out with Wes and Kyle and Wes again oh and a good friend of mine Tyler. Alright this might make her sound bad but really she’s not she is and always will be in my life even though we have not a clue as to where our lives may take us. She has taught me it’s good to be able to trust in people I lost that a long time ago and she made it easier to trust in myself and others.
Humm who else is out there yes Natalie and Joanne they were in our school until they both had to move one to Grimsby and the other to Niagara falls. Now we still hung and we did not keep that much in touch but we knew where they were as they did us.
Now with Natalie she was close as in living distance with me and there is this one thing I can never forget not even if I wanted to myself , her and was suppose to be Sandie were suppose to go to Wes’s house for a little get together we had her mother tricked and everything was planed. Well alright it did not go how we wanted it to who ended up being there was Wes, myself, Natalie and someone other person. We had fun anyways even though we only hung out played the guitar and did nothing.
Now onto what I would and still do call the sexual topics of our little group Becca every time she came back from the US she had her stories to tell and she loved to share all the details with us all the pictures and all the crazy things she did well she was away. Alright Becca and I did do are share of crazy things like CAMPING in the winter okay well it felt like winter it was cold and I can tell you camping in a tent well it was interesting I don’t know what made me agree to it but it was fun when we were warm. Now we hung out a lot we got to know each other very well, I taught her how to Parallel Park which was so funny because I was like alright now this is your break and gas. But she passed and now she drives me around.
Alright now there are a few more if you can’t handle this then stop reading.
Next up is Rachel she is something she is very talented in the arts her works are amazing and she is very smart even if she does not think so at times, we all knew that she was. We had our ups and downs and fights and screaming matches. But I will remember the most about her is all the times we talked with cookies and pop corn or cheeses. Or my random pick ups and just going no where just driving because I wanted out or she did. We never got to know each other very well but from her I did learn one the most amazing things I learned to be brave that not to let everything hurt me or effect me as much as it did or does. She may never have known that but I think in our group she was the bravest of all of us.
We had someone new in our little group her name Tiffany she was a American now she is so Canadian well in my mind anyways. She talks every fast when nervous and she is liked to say “Sorry” a lot. But she was new and she fit with us perfect she complained when she wanted she even introduced us to people from her old high school that we all became to like very much. Alright I don’t have a lot of experiences with her but I do have one and that is helping her find a summer job, she was so happy and I was so happy to have helped her.
Alright now onto the quite ones Laura and Tina they are a pair they always thought there work was not good enough and they wanted it to be perfect even though we always said it was fine. I say they were quite because they were not around to much Laura did the sports and Tina was only at our school for half a day. But when they were they hung with us and chatted with us oh and we got to bring them up to speed, they also introduced us to new people.
Now onto the punk of the group Arial she is nuts but that’s why we like her she went to Grimsby which sucked ass but she was so funny she did her interruptive dance down the halls of South and she did things others wouldn’t. She was also a Drama nut which was great she did the crazy things and she spoke anything at any moment to anyone even people on the streets or malls. She was the nut of the group or I think so anyways.
Alright every group need the one person who is loud ours is and always will be Melanie B. she is a funny drunk and you can hear her for miles but that’s what made her different from the rest of us she spoke with out thinking sometimes and when she made up her mind about you that was it there was no way of changing it. She told us all the time what we did wrong what we did good and what we still had to do, we liked her because of those facts.
Now there is one person that I have yet to mention and for good reason her name is Crystal she is the sweetest person and nicest person I know, I have known Crystal for a long time, she was a dear friend of mine she got me even if I did not want to be gotten she made me feel good when I was grumpy or not in a good mood she was my back bone, she kept me sane. She left our little group which sucked and hurt us all a good deal even if we did not want to say it. I remember the time Becca and I skipped school to go share her birthday with her we ate a huge chocolate cake which made me sick and hyper. But we showed up not because she asked us but because it was her birthday which meant a lot to her.
Alright I have been asked why I am writing this now and why not later or even why at all. Well I found out that we are drifting apart even if we do not think we are but it is true we all graduated and we all went away to school, some stayed others left and others went back to high school. We all partied and clubbed and did as much as we could with each other until well we had to go on our separate ways. We all made new friends, had new boyfriends celebrated other things without each other we all lost a part of something that we need or well cherished. We grew apart even in the smallest of ways, we forgot.
Now I wrote this for that reason I wrote this because I need to remember what everyone had done for me and who made me who I am now. Everyone that I know and knew had made some major impacted on me even if one does not know it I need to remind all of them that everyone of them helped me through what are the best times of my life.
So all I have to say is thank you.
i just asked dad when i could go see james...
he told me not until end of march beginning of april
he said he wanted it to be warmer out so we could do shit outside and i could appreciate it more...
he also said i have to look for a job to pay off some of my shit...
you owe me $700! that would pay off my visa... which you maxed out... and that would pay for like a quarter of my cell bill! ... i shouldnt even have to pay my visa! you should!
ya im kinda upset... i cant wait 2 months to see him
im insane now...
what will i be 2 months from now?!