Apr 27, 2013 14:33
Something I regret, hmm...*ponders* Something I regret? Actually, I feel like a cheater with this one. I don't really regret anything. Or at least I try not to. I try to be certain of my decisions and actions and accepting of the consequences-good/bad, positive/negative, better/worse, helpful/hurtful. I don't want to look back and wish I had or hadn't done something. So I don't. Its in the past, you can't change it, and its not gonna do any good to harp on and on over it. I'm not saying that I'm perfect, or that I'm perfect in ensuring that I don't regret something. Maybe, maybe, maaaayyyybeeee if I think hard enough I'd probably find something-or some things-to regret. But I don 't have time to waste regretting. I could spend that time choosing to do stuff, or not.
I feel like I haven't explained this well enough to convey what I mean. I may come back and amend it if I ever find the proper words/ways to describe it. Until then I guess this will suffice.
30 days