Oct 15, 2009 23:27
I just got a summons for jury duty on November 13th. This is new.
And it kind of creeps me out.
On one hand, part of me has always wondered what it would be like to sit in a court room and be a part of a case (NOT as a defendant, of course...and really...not as a prosecutor either). But the more I think about this, the more it creates a gross feeling in my stomach.
The jury has to be unanimous in their decision, right?
I'd hate to be the one person who either has to stand up to the rest of my jurors or have to choose sides based on really complicated evidence.
I don't want to do this.
Of course, I realize I must so I shall go.
But I'm recently mohawked again. Let's hope that and my tattoos will spring a prejudice in the attorneys and I'll be dismissed.
Plus...only $10 a day? If I get selected and that trial goes on any longer than a week, I'm not going to have money for rent from the work I miss. WTF? Do my civic duty and get evicted because I can't pay? Surely that's not the way it works?
modern discomforts