The Mooron is Back

Aug 29, 2009 17:59

Michael Moore has got a new movie coming out, called Capitalism: A Love Story. There will, of course, be the massive herds of noisy-heads, mistaking his sensationalist propaganda for "a documentary", -stampeding to the theaters to get all worked up with outrage over what they perceive capitalism to be, and then, as it sinks in, will fall back down into despair when they discover how powerless they are to change the corporate fascist system that they think is capitalist, and then go back to watching TV or play video games in the next round of desperate denial...and then start out all over again with yet another embrace of "progressive" or socialist ideas that they think are new and will be "for the people", not knowing all along that their actions just further enslave them.

I need to remind myself over and over that when people of this ilk talk about "capitalism", they mean something entirely different from what I mean. I use the word in a strict economic sense. What goes on at Burning Man is real capitalism: free trade, negotiated between actual people, with some sense of personal responsibility involved. But most of this country has subscribed to the senseless, hysterical idea that runs something along the lines of "big business exploiting everyone...profits over people..." some sort of sloganeering mumbo jumbo. Most people who gripe about capitalism, when asked for a specific, concrete definition of the word, cannot think of one that doesn't involve self contradictions.

When you use words without considering a clear, consistent meaning that can be applied to the concrete world, and NOT just an emotional end up with a bunch of noise in your head and then your life becomes more about reactive choices, rather than willful choices.

But...whatever man. The economy will collapse because money itself is nothing but a banking abstraction and no longer represents any solid standard by which to negotiate the value of resources and therefore create the stability that is needed for a healthy trade system. THAT stabilizing element has been replaced by the Federal Reserve's control over interest rates.

I just keeping hoping this system will collapse sooner than later, because the longer it takes, the more people will suffer and, without knowing who the real enemy is or what its weapons are, will eventually lash out in violence in all the wrong places. And then the authorities can send in the troops to mow them down and enforce martial law.

human world, modern discomforts, politica libertaria

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