Good Guide

May 15, 2009 14:29

In marrying my conscience regarding environmental issues with my resistence towards government (non)solutions, I was tipped off about this website:

One of the people involved in this website references something he calls ecological intelligence, which is a more advanced approach than being "green". He points out that many environmentally friendly products are produced under inhumane labor conditions, or contain chemicals that are cancer causing to human beings, so, in going about our routine of grocery shopping and related endeavors, we find that making conscientious decisions becomes more complicated, as we try to balance out the different factors...all that balanced against sheer desire or possible brand loyalty. Thus, the idea of "going green" is more of a marketing gimmick than a realistic assessment of how to harness consumer behaviors to align with environmental and humanitarian issues.

So this website collects the kind of information that we need or would want to use for making these kinds of decisions. You can compare various brands and products against each other to determine what suits your needs and leaves the smallest footprint on the environment.

I really like this because it's a private sector solution to several problems that the liberal/progressives would rather just shove at the government and have sort it out. Let's remember that the private sector is not just business, but nonprofits and churches and charities too. Nobody is being forced to do anything. The consumer is EMPOWERED to make better decisions, not told that certain decisions will now be made FOR him.

And it supports something I've been telling people for years: that you have more political power with your money and how you spend it than you have with your votes and how you cast them. That much was obvious to me way before I went libertarian. Too bad the rest of our dumb cow society doesn't get that.

Check it out. Bookmark it. Then, the next time you're going out to get some shampoo, razorblades, Q tips, mouthwash, sugared cereal, a carton of eggs, sour cream, onions and garlic, yogurt, energy drinks, make-up, cigarettes (LOL!), lotion, toilet paper, lip balm, or whatever...check the site first and see if you can find a better deal for your money, your health, someone's paycheck and the planet.

human world, politica libertaria

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