Jul 15, 2005 19:51

So Thomas finally found a car today.... and boy did we work out a bargain. We talked them down from 4000 to 3000! Woot! We make a good team! So this whole helping to lead a youth group thing is pretty difficult. There are some pretty lost kids there (about 30 of them) who have no relationship with the Lord and from what it seems no desire for one. They do however enjoy talking with their friends though the entire lesson. Oh well, I know God is going to do something AWESOME with this situation... and even if the kids arent getting anything out of it, I am learning ALOT and that counts for something. SO if you guys think about pray for that situation... mainly perseverance and discipline for Thomas and I but also for the students, that God would stir up a desire in their hearts for Him.

Peace out!
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