I apologize for not having a better picture of Coconut posing, I promise she doesn't normally look that pathetic.
I disinfected the new cage yesterday afternoon out on the sidewalk. I sprayed it with bleach solution (ew) once, rinsed it, then sprayed it again and rinsed it again. Then I wiped the whole thing down with a damp cloth to make sure I didn't miss anything and to get rid of the bleach smell. Then we lugged it upstairs and I undertook the heroic task of cleaning Coconut's room and shampooing the carpet. I got about halfway done (I'm sick, so I pooped out). But the cage is set up and while we were putting her perches and toys into it, she flew to the cage top, hopped around a bit and then when I turned my back and turned around again she had climbed down inside the cage all by herself.
She was a little more lonely than usual last night (I forgot to make her some chamomile) so we left the light and the TV on for her to prevent further screaming, which worked. Even though it's only a few inches deeper and wider, it amounts to a LOT of extra space inside the cage. There is also more space between where she perches, and the bottom of the cage, which I think is probably a lot more sanitary.
We were thinking about using her old cage for Durga our cockatiel if Coconut makes the adjustment well. But the maximum bar spacing for a cockatiel is 5/8" and Coconut's old cage is 6/8" bar spacing? Any advice here would be appreciated. We have no problem just selling or donating Coconut's old cage but if it would work for Durga (there is a serious shortage of appropriately sized cages in this town, we bought the absolute largest we could find with the appropriate bar spacing when we brought Durga home and it's only about 19 inches square) we would like to give it to her.
Also, G managed to make Coconut a soft collar that she has yet to chew through, so we're leaving it on until her wound heals or until she gets out of it on her own, whichever comes first. I will take it off for a shower today and then put it back on her later. Her wound doesn't look too bad, so it should heal quickly.