Mar 25, 2009 06:44
Coconut was up at 2am screaming again.
Lately she has become increasingly frantic. It's hard to explain, but when she is in that mode, she preens herself very rapidly and without any intention. She'll sometimes rub her head on parts of her body that are not her oil gland as if she is just going through the motions. At first I thought it was because she is itchy and that might still be the case but I'm not 100% convinced. She doesn't scratch herself frantically or anything. She often returns to the sore on her chest to preen the feathers that cover it but not to actually harm herself. All of her feathers look terrible, she is more shredded looking now than when we brought her home.
I was planning on leaving her in the collar for 24 hours and then taking her out for 24 hours. She will not be calm if she is not wearing the collar. It is to the point where she just seams to freak out sometimes for no reason. She has not had many seizures, just one when G startled her a few days ago.
Waking up at 2am to a frantic bird who is screaming because she woke up, then upon toweling her she calms down completely...that's just bizarre. She seems to like being restrained, it's like her compulsion is too strong or something. And the fact that she did so well for those first few days out of the collar...I do not have any idea what to do.
I still can't leave her in the hard collar, though that is what she is wearing now until I can find another alternative which needs to happen quickly. I'm giving her chamomile because it's the only thing I can think to do that has mild sedative qualities. There are stronger herbs out there but I'm not willing to experiment with them. For a while the chamomile seemed to help, it hasn't lately but we haven't been very consistent about it either.
I really wish I could call the vet and ask for advice. At this point I think I might fill the prescription for prozac the vet gave us a few months ago and see if that helps. That is, if I can afford it.