I iconed plenty this vacation and I figured shedding my harddrive of them would help me get to doing real schoolwork or some shit like that.
11x Bleach (3x icontest entries)
9x KH2
1x KH2 background
1x Bleach background
Both backgrounds have icon versions--I start off doing icons on a large canvas, then shrink to 100x100 only when saving. Those two I felt worked better as backgrounds, so I have those versions as well.
Mostly Sora, Ichigo, and Hollow Ichigo but whatever. Fairly wide stylistically too, for me at the least. I always find myself using warm colors and it's been bothering me, so I'm trying to get rid of that a little here. As always, some I really like, some I hate.
icontest entries
first one: 5th place week 61,
bleach_icontest bleach
kingdom hearts 2
backgrounds (both 1280x1024, set to strech and they'll be fine... click for fulls)