Okies, I'm going to set the record straight here...

Apr 11, 2008 01:22

I did not fucking break up with my ex husband via SMS!!!! For FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE!!! I am not the kind of BITCH who would do that! If I had been able to fly back to Adelaide to tell him in person, I would have. We had not already talked about it before I left Adelaide. I was sending back all of the money that I could to Craig and had no money to get back. I spent four fucking HOURS on the phone trying to talk to him, and it ended up in my saying I wanted a separation. When he wouldn't let it rest, when he couldn't wait to talk to me more about it until I got back, I asked him for a divorce. I NEVER wanted to do that over the phone, I would certainly NEVER do it via SMS and I know it was the wrong way to go about it, but for FUCKS SAKE! Craig and I split up over three YEARS ago now! How many people can say they have never made a mistake in their lives? So, while a bunch of fuckers are out there, judging me, making snippy fucking comments behind my back, about something that they not only know nothing about, but is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!!! perhaps you might want to take into consideration that I was 21. I was stupid! I learned my lesson, I have apologised to Craig, we have talked it out, we have sorted it out. So get your fucking minds out of my life, leave your fucking gossiping and rumors and back stabbing away from me and leave me the fuck ALONE! And yes, Christian! I amd fucking talking to you. I don't care what the fuck you think, or what Craig told you. He is LYING! He knows the truth. He knows what really happened and in any case, it's none of your fucking business to be talking to anyone about anyway. Plus, if three years later, you have nothing better to talk about than my divorce, then that is really sad. Please, just leave me the fuck alone and let me get on with my life!!!!!

hurt!, pissed off!!!! angry

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