Ghost walk!

Jul 11, 2011 11:22

A few weeks ago when Goat and Dusk were visiting we headed downtown for a ghost walk! I took a lot of pictures but while my phone has a decent camera, most of them didn't really turn out too well...

The health facility where many died during isolation of illness.

The hoodoo lady cabin. I can't remember what it's called... You can rent it for a night if you're up to it.

The gardens are supposedly haunted by a woman who died of tuberculosis. My pics of the gardens didn't turn out well. Ghost maybe? :3c Actually the entire group of about 30 people on the tour was all trying to snap photos so I was rushed and the lighting wasn't too good. Next time we do one of these I'll bring my good camera.

Used to be a funeral home. Several visitors and guests have reported see apparitions. One couple saw a little girl sit on the edge of thier bed and she smiled at them. She vanished but the blankets still had a small indention from where she was seen sitting. There were also many body parts discovered while work on the sidewalk was being done. That's pretty common is Savannah though. *lah tee dah*

Pics of Colonial Park Cemetery:

Ooo... hey....
A g-g-gh-ghooooossst perhaps?

It was super hot and humid and I was gross sticky by the time we left, but we had fun, I enjoyed the tour guide, and we managed to not get caught outside in the awful storm that popped up. It was fun and I love going on them. I can't wait to go again. :)
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