Mar 29, 2010 08:29
whats with the ads on livejournal? nothing gold free can stay.
no work again today. raining, again. site is completely flooded. there is at least 25 feet of standing water in one section. the road in is under water. so here i sit.
louie b. moved most of my friends away from philly -- i am one of 5 staying after tomorrow. gosh how i would love to join my coworkers in the hills of west virginia. i've only heard of two new projects opening -- the electric corridor in WV, and the gas pipeline in northeastern PA. i'll most likely stay in PA. i think the line goes all the way to the ocean, so it looks like my summer may be spent crossing the northeast on foot: first PA, then NY and ending in Vermont some time in the fall.
maybe i'll get shipped to the Iowa office. rumor was spreading of northern Michigan jobs. what i wouldn't give to spend a summer walking and digging lake superior. the PI from those parts apparently was diagnosed with....
so it might not go through.
all i know is that i need, need need need to get out of filthadelphia. i'm getting fat and lazy here. dependent, undisciplined and sleeping late.
today i will create a home office. a study.
i need to stop talking and start doing. its getting ridiculous.