Isn't it nice to read a post not as insanely self-centred? - If you're bored and have the time, do go down. I promise Gore and Violence. And Moss. Mostly gore and violence. Taxonomists have been going through lots of life-threatening situations (following the grand tradition set by Linnaeus & Co.) to get their hands on specimens that go down in flames or into the ocean or both (Wallace and Raffles, poor men).
Be enthralled by stories where people go MIA and/or die even in modern day taxonomy! In the name of some tiny creature you've never heard of that is now extinct! (Times like this I love the human race).
Sign up! There's free food (I was assured they'd find the good caterers), and you can see my face as I've been roped in to help out as usher. Plus, Gore and Violence without having to pay SGD8.50! How cool is that?