Jan 02, 2007 01:08
2006 was crap and a total wash, so I'm not going to say nuts about it. The only fun part was the snorkelling. The rest can go to hell.
Deep, deep thanks to the Kit, the Angie, the Wenli for the things that they know best what for. To Tunafish, who is the better half of the squituna combi set. (Remember how we kept tying the game of scissors paper stone) and how all of you guys have given me many many many many things. I appreciate it lots. Just ask me over any time to clean up and pack stuff! I'm great at that. Manual labour man, that's what I can do plenty of.
So today for the first day of 2007 I helped Tuna pack and clean up her room. By which I mean she flung clothes at me and I succumbed to the Pretty in between bouts of folding and stacking and squeeing over how cute her clothes are, and how she tolerated Her Royal Miss Anal Retentiveness when it came to hanging up dresses and loose eyes and hooks on skirts. The yaoi manga was a total trip down memory lane, by which I mean she's like "Oh my God I don't remember this at all" and I was like "...Neither do I!" and "OMG I D/LED THIS SCANLATION ETC" and "OMG THE DRAGON ONE" "OMG YAMADA YUGI" and "OMG THIS IS THE ONE WITH THE DAD!" "WHAT DAD?!?" "THIS DAD" "OOOOHHHH" and "STRAWBERRY LOVERS" *shrill shrieking into her ear*.
Sorry I went a bit nuts with the manga collection, I will keep better control of my neurosis! I forget to hug you this time. Wait till you come back. Work hard! Last year! If you can't get the One Piece Chapters I go look for them and see how! Give Gintama a chance! I <3 you!