CATHERINE is the #46 most common female name.
0.373% of females in the US are named CATHERINE.
Around 475575 US females are named CATHERINE!
source Yo, what's up my homies. Aww yeah... lol right.. anyways, this is my first entry, thanks to Amy V. I got myself a LJ to keep you all up to date on my life. I recently got engaged to my sweetie Matt :) We've been dating for almost 7 months now, we got engaged Feb. 17 2005 at 11:30ish am. :) He comes up every sunday and goes w/ me to church at Jersey. I'm still going to CCAD, and Dude, it's freakin' cool, I just got another piercing today, so that makes it number 8 for me. I'll post some pics of them later, My coolest piercing is my industrial. I'm trying to lose wieght right now. I can run 2 minutes straight on the treadmil, and if I take a minute break I can run for another minute straight. So that's 3 minutes :D I'm so excited, it's not hurting to run anymore and it's easier to breathe. I've been taking pilates down at the YMCA, so that's really cool. I love you guys, I hope you enjoy reading this. Leave some comments it's open to everyone to do so, but leave your name when you do so I know who you are and can "holla" back atcha. :)