not dead, just busy & now 30 years old, too! here's a free association-like catch-up post:

Aug 30, 2008 12:39

Daphne knows a good nest when she sees one -- I was airing out the mosquito net (which I think willowr gave us, from our gift register, when E and I got married?).

A mouse made a beautiful nest from wool batting in one of my X-country ski boots, which I discovered when I got the boots out so I could measure what height poles I need; there's a sale on at REI and my poles are broken. I would've been angry if the mouse had destroyed a ski boot but actually I have no idea where that undyed wool batting came from... hmmm...

I discovered the on-sale ski poles when I was poking around the REI sale items b/c my mother ordered a beautiful new kayak for me for my birthday, and I needed some kayak-related gear! when the boat comes, she and I'll have a floating belated b-day celebration; she has a kayak, too, a different kind -- mine will look like this:

on my actual birthday day i was hiking, climbing cliffs, swimming and camping in the mountains in West Virginia, and felt very youthful & alive. the months leading up to the birthday were stressful for me b/c I couldn't believe I would be turning 30 years old, but the day itself was not nearly as scary, I think b/c I was in such a pretty place doing such fun things! :)

my phone fell off a cliff but that was the only unexpected harm done during the trip to WV -- bruises, scrapes, sore muscles, mild sunburn and bug bites are all to be expected. i'm bummed I lost all my pictures, though (they were on my phone).

A chipmunk took up residence in our bathroom shortly after our return; E made sure it had plenty to eat while it was locked in the bathroom [safe from cats] that day (b/c we didn't have time in the morning for a capture & release maneuver). I like how he served the chipmunk...

Now Fall term has started & I'm back to sitting on my butt at the computer for inordinate amounts of time; but I do find cool things along the way sometimes... eg. from the British Library -- I had no idea both Alexander Pushkin and Alexandre Dumas had black heritage -- that's so neat!

fun, kayaking/paddling, the wheel of life, library school, rock climbing, art, shifting, environment, kittens, survival

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