Dec 01, 2010 19:13
I felt like writing about this after reading all these articles about obese kids and eating healthier and what not. I think it got a little overboard when I read that even carrying a few extra pounds could kill you. The government is trying to scare people into going anorexic. Yea, if you look at my pictures, I'm probably one of the tiniest people you've ever seen, but I'm pretty healthy. Just because someone is obese or just the slightest bit overweight does not mean that they are unhealthy. People are so preoccupied with how many calories they are taking in that they don't realize how bad they make other skinny people feel. Sometimes I see my friends say "Omg I'm fat." and I just want to slap them and ask them what the heck they think skinny is!!! I even get annoyed hearing about parents controlling what their kids eat. Yea, sure, obesity kills and raises risk of cancer, but being skinny also raises red flags. Our society is telling us that if we carry around a few extra pounds, we are fat, but yet, if we are skinny, we are automatically labelled anorexic. There is no such thing as a normal weight. People will either be fat or skinny. Some will have a larger body structure. People need to make up their minds. Stop shielding your kids from something fun like candy or a regular trip to McDonalds. Quit worrying about your weight. It's just a number.