A whole bag of goth drops

May 18, 2010 11:48

Photos from last weekend. These were shot with a new model and this was our "getting to know you" shoot. We both agreed that we liked dilapidated buildings and old rusty stuff, so I scouted around a bit for places that wouldn't be too likely to get us tetanus or arrested for trespassing but then remembered that my dad has a couple of old houses right near the water in San Leon. Right near the water meaning they were flooded to the rafters during Ike, and as far as I knew, he hadn't torn them down or done a huge amount of restoration work yet.

I wasn't disappointed.

For one thing, I finally got the thing that was making all that noise under the sink.

Then we did some sLOLviet Red Army pictures

Recruitment Posters

Happy Fun Time Bouncy Hour in the Hillbilly Love Shack!

Oh, I hope it wasn't poisonous!

I guess it was :(

Oh well, time to clean up!

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